2023, Bilingual child brain at work at the Science of Language and the Brain, Iran.
2023, Children's interpretation of nicht, tacos conference, at the Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf.
2023, Given P, predict only P, Studentischen Tagung Sprachwissenschaft (StuTS), Frankfurt am Main.
2021. 43rd Annual Meeting of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS) in Freiburg, Accepted Talk: How negative concord licenses the acquisition of formal negation?
2021. Psycholinguistic coffee, University of Edinburgh.
2020. The UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference at the University of Birmingham. Poster: Acquisition of Negative concord in early child standard English.
2020. StuTs68 Berlin. Talk: Attending (less) Input and Acquiring (more) Formal Negation.
2019. The first international Twitter conference on linguistics (the Linguistweets), Acquisition of syntactic negation & NC.
2019 Graduiertenschule für Geisteswissenschaften Göttingen (GSGG) day. Poster: Mismatches between chid and adults’ speech, a corpus study.
2019. Ober-seminar, SEP, University of Goettingen. Talk: Acquisition of negation, NPIs, and NC in child language: standard English.
2019. Welcome day for new Ph.D. students at Graduiertenschule für Geisteswissenschaften Göttingen. Talk: Being a researcher and a Mommy.
2017. International Summer school for Historical Linguistics, University of Goettingen, Germany. Poster: Acquisition of focus particles in early child language.
2015. International Conference on Linguistics & Regional Languages, AJK, University. Teachers’ linguistic input in the classroom and its role in the acquisition of linguistic structure.
2014. ICORE 14 International Conference on Research & Education, Punjab University, Lahore. ELT Styles: An English for Foreign Learner (EFL) Perspective.
2013. Multidisciplinary conference Kinnaird College, Lahore. Talk: Writing Anxiety among school students.
2011. Conference on Education, 2011, University of Education, Lahore, Impacts of a large classroom in university education: good and bad.
Linguistics, Language Acquisition​
2023. Acquisition of Sentential Negation and Negative Concord: Ph.D. dissertation.
2023. Keine doppelte Verneinung mit Kein: In prep with Prof. Hedde Zeijlstra
2023. Bilingual Child Brain at Work: In prep with Prof. Hedde Zeijlstra
ELT: co-authored